Designing the life I want

I’ve been creating ever since I was little. Even in college, when I had convinced myself that I couldn't pursue the visual arts as a career, I was always creating; whether it be doodling in class, taking art classes, or using my face as a canvas. I eventually discovered UX/UI and was immediately drawn to its human centered approach to design. I found it fascinating that people created art that was not only functional but influential. It was the perfect way to implement by background in Human Development (B.S, 2018, Binghamton University) and my passion for the visual arts. In 2020, I finally pulled the trigger and pivoted my career to become a product designer. 

Before embarking on my design journey I was a recruiter in an agency. While cold-calling and interviewing wasn't my cup of tea (preferably matcha), I did learn invaluable lessons about client interactions. In recruiting, I was often balancing the needs of the client with the needs of the candidates. I now translate this into my designs by balancing the needs of the user with desires of the business. 

When I’m not designing you can catch me painting greeting cards or stress cooking in the kitchen. 


(2021) Designlab - UXAcademy
(2018) Binghamton University - B.S. Human Development

Areas of Expertise

User Research
Visual Design
Team Collaboration
